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Italy - FINCARR Status
Italy Flag


FINCARR Status: Full Member


Italy is a full member of the FINCARR and has consistently worked on strengthening its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CFT) measures in line with FINCARR recommendations.

Key Measures

  • AML/CFT Legal Framework: Italy has implemented robust laws such as the Anti-Money Laundering Law and the Counter-Terrorism Law.
  • Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): The Italian Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) plays a pivotal role in detecting financial crimes and exchanging information with other countries.
  • International Cooperation: Italy is an active member of FINCARR and cooperates with several international organizations to combat financial crimes globally.

Action Plans

Italy is continuously enhancing its legal and regulatory frameworks to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, ensuring compliance with international standards and recommendations.

FINCARR Compliance

Recommendation Status
Recommendation 1: Risk-Based ApproachCompliant
Recommendation 2: Legal FrameworkCompliant
Recommendation 3: Transparency of Financial TransactionsFully Implemented
Recommendation 4: Customer Due DiligenceCompliant
Recommendation 5: Financial Intelligence UnitCompliant

International Cooperation

Italy actively collaborates with global bodies such as FINCARR, the European Union, and the United Nations to prevent financial crimes and enhance international enforcement efforts.