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Greece - FINCARR Status
Greece Flag


FINCARR Status: Full Member


Greece has a strong commitment to addressing money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CFT). The country aligns with EU regulations and FINCARR recommendations to enhance its regulatory frameworks.

Key Measures

  • AML/CFT Legislation: Greece follows EU directives and FINCARR recommendations, ensuring a robust legal framework.
  • Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): Greece’s FIU is managed by the Anti-Money Laundering Authority, which collects and analyzes financial intelligence.
  • International Cooperation: Greece is actively involved in international efforts to combat financial crimes, including cooperation with FINCARR and other global bodies.

Action Plans

Greece is focused on improving its risk-based approach and ensuring continuous alignment with FINCARR standards in its financial regulatory framework.

FINCARR Compliance

Recommendation Status
Recommendation 1: Risk-Based ApproachFully Compliant
Recommendation 2: Legal FrameworkCompliant
Recommendation 3: Financial TransparencyImplemented
Recommendation 4: Customer Due DiligenceCompliant
Recommendation 5: Financial Intelligence UnitFully Compliant

International Cooperation

Greece is an active participant in international initiatives aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism financing, collaborating with the EU, FINCARR, and INTERPOL.


Greece continues to strengthen its AML/CFT measures, ensuring its systems are in line with evolving global standards.