• Open Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00


Hong Kong, China - FINCARR Status
Hong Kong, China Flag

Hong Kong, China

FINCARR Status: Full Member


Hong Kong, China, has a robust legal and regulatory framework to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. As a member of the FINCARR, it has consistently improved its compliance with international AML/CFT standards.

Key Measures

  • AML/CFT Legislation: Hong Kong implements a risk-based approach to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, following FINCARR recommendations.
  • Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Customs and Excise Department operate the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), which collects and processes suspicious transaction reports.
  • International Cooperation: Hong Kong cooperates with international regulatory bodies like the FINCARR, INTERPOL, and the United Nations to combat financial crimes.

Action Plans

Hong Kong continues to improve its regulatory framework by implementing FINCARR’s latest recommendations, enhancing cooperation with international bodies, and strengthening customer due diligence mechanisms.

FINCARR Compliance

Recommendation Status
Recommendation 1: Risk-Based ApproachFully Compliant
Recommendation 2: Legal FrameworkCompliant
Recommendation 3: Financial TransparencyImplemented
Recommendation 4: Customer Due DiligenceFully Compliant
Recommendation 5: Financial Intelligence UnitFully Compliant

International Cooperation

Hong Kong is actively engaged in international initiatives to combat financial crimes and maintain its role as a global financial hub. It regularly exchanges information with global AML/CFT partners.


Hong Kong is committed to continuously refining its legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure alignment with international standards and address emerging threats in the financial system.